Simon Dedman, PhD
Ecological role of sharks; advancing species distribution modelling for sharks and tuna

I am a postdoctoral research faculty member in the College of Arts, Sciences, and the Environment, at Florida International University, Miami, USA. I work in Michael Heithaus' Marine Community and Behavioural Ecology Lab, and Yannis Papastamatiou's Predator Ecology Lab. I am also a Science Board Member for Saving The Blue, an NGO based in Miami and Andros, Bahamas.

I developed, R software to automate the delopyment of Boosted Regression Tree machine-learning species distribution models during my PhD, and led the development of movegroup with Dr Maurits van Zinnicq Bergmann. Since working in Mike and Yannis' FIU labs, I have co-lead authored 'Ecological roles and importance of sharks in the Anthropocene Ocean', published in Science in May 2024, and am working on various publications with FIU and other collaborators.

I earned my PhD in 2015 from Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, Ireland, for my work on 'Spatial approaches towards achieving management targets: the case of the elasmobranch fisheries in the Irish Sea'. My supervisors were Dr. Rick Officer, Dr. Deirdre Brophy, Prof Dave Reid, and Dr Maurice Clarke.

While always aiming for a career in academia, between degrees I worked for the UK's Marine Management Organisation, as the International Quota Manager. My full journey is detailed in my CV.

Works   Google Scholar, ResearchGate, ORCiD, GitHub, Medium
Dissertations: Doctoral, Masters, Bachelors.
Contact   email, Twitter, LinkedIn
New   → 'Ecological roles and importance of sharks in the Anthropocene Ocean' published in Science.
movegroup accepted onto CRAN.
Next   → Mapping critically endangered smalltooth sawfish in Florida's Everglades.
Directed Acyclic Graph analyses of reef shark ecological roles and importance on French Polynesian reef communities.
→ Reef sharks, great hammerheads, white sharks, and more in Andros.
→ Behaviour and movement of lemon sharks in Bimini using BRUVs and accelerometers.
→ Bull shark movements off Miami.
→ Scalloped and great hammerhead movements in the Atlantic compared to fishery activity.
Guiding quote   “Never assume” – John Robb

Hand crafted in artisanal HTML, inspired by Charles Poynton and Derya Akkaynak.